The roof repair on the Dome at the high school is 98% complete; all we are waiting on is the addition of a few more down spouts to the guttering. We have also had a couple of good rain showers over the last two weeks to truly test the product. I am happy to report that there are no leaks! We no longer have to set buckets out in the Technology Education classroom to catch the water. You will notice in the picture that all of the skylights and vents have been removed from the dome and now the only protrusion through the roof is the heater vent in the NW corner. The flat areas over the Tech. Ed. classroom and locker rooms have had slopes built in to help remove the water, which has drastically reduced the amount of pooling. The guttering system has also had a significant impact on decreasing the amount of water that collects under the gym by redirecting the water away from the foundation. We want to thank everyone for supporting this project through the passage of last April's Bond proposal. These improvements will allow this facility to be used by the school and community for generations to come.

Amber-Pocasset Dome
April 14, 2017